I’ve been around a while and I’ve seen some stuff but I’m
constantly coming across things that baffle and amaze me. I think that’s what
life is, a series of unexpected discoveries, I know it is for me. Of course it’s always possible that I’m just
not very bright…that I’m amazed by discovering the obvious. Naw…that couldn’t
be it.
For example, last week a friend told me that he had been invited
to a “gender reveal” party. I have to admit that I was truly baffled and a
little disgusted by what exactly a gender reveal party might be. In my world,
revealing your gender is called “flashing” and its at least a misdemeanor,
socially unacceptable and isn’t much of a reason for a party.
Imagine my surprise when I found out that a gender reveal
party is an event made up my Millennials to dramatically reveal the gender of
their unborn child. I read an example where the couple hosted a party then had
the blindfolded father-to-be break open a piñata whereupon he’s covered in blue
or pink powder, representing the gender of his new baby.
At this point the other neatly groomed, tastefully tattooed,
man-bun friendly Millennials raise their mojitos or glasses of ultra lite beer
(if they are preparing for a cross-fit competition…and they always are) to toast the new boy or girl.
While I’m no expert Millennial party etiquette but I’m
assuming that it’s proper to bring a yellow or green gift to a gender reveal
party which means a few weeks later when you are expected to give a more
appropriate blue or pink gift at the traditional baby shower. I’m equally blown
away that guys are now expected to attend baby showers! I use the word “guys”
because no man would ever be caught dead at a baby shower, bridal shower or any
public shower except possibly one involving two strippers like they have in
those classy strip joints in Vancouver…so I’m told.
The whole thing seems pretty lame to me but, then again, I’m
a child of the Seventies…a time when we didn’t need an excuse to have a party.
Lately I’ve been noticing references to something called a
fidget spinner, so I looked it up and was amazed that this is actually a thing.
Apparently, the fidget spinner is a device designed to help people who have
trouble focusing (people who fidget) by giving them this spinning toy to
release nervous energy or psychological stress. The original idea was to help
kids with ACHD or anxiety settle down and focus more in school, which seems
like a sketchy idea at best, but it gets worse when fidgety adults started
using them.
It completely baffles me how this thing could be useful in
any scenario, with the possible exception of a long car trip with little
kids. In what world does it make sense
to give a restless school kid a toy to distract them further? Just how does a detracting toy help a kid focus
on solving long division problem…or do they even teach that anymore? I admit
that I’ve never grasped the concepts behind common core math.
If you have an employee who shows up at work with a fidget
spinner, fire then immediately and replace them with an actual adult. Real men
don’t fidget and the only spinners we need to distract us are socket wrenches,
fishing gear and strippers from those classy clubs up in Vancouver…so I’m told.
Yesterday I was completely blown away by an article I read
about some biologists in Louisiana who captured a 197-pound alligator snapping
turtle. Alligator snapping turtles have the protective shell of a turtle and
the enormous long snapping beak of an alligator…a creature straight out of my
worst nightmares. The scientists determined that this particular beast was at
least 225 years old. The article wasn’t clear how they obtained the turtle’s
birth certificate or whether President Trump will sue to determine if it’s an
official long form birth certificate.
If it really is 225 years old just think about that for a
minute…this turtle was roaming around the Louisiana swamps when Andrew Jackson
was chasing the British through there in the War of 1812. He was catching
dinner with that terrifying beak before Abraham Lincoln was born and about the
same time Bernie Sanders first ran for Congress. We’re talking old. Imagine the
things that turtle could tell us if only he could talk…since he’s 225 years old
I imagine his first words would probably be, “Stay off my lawn!”
I really don’t know if discovering the obvious makes me a
moron…and I really don’t care. Being amazed by this stuff makes me laugh and,
like the man said, “If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane.”
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